Saltless Water Softener Alternative
The new alternative to traditional salt softeners
Top Rated Best Seller
Amazing new fully tested and officially proven technology
Capable of 99.6% Scale prevention and removal
No salt or chemicals needed. No wasted water. Extremely efficient - works throughout the UK regardless of hardness levels.
Want an end to your "Hard Water" Problems?
Simply install this powerful new salt free Scale Control Media on your water supply today and get maintenance-free scale-free water.
Scale Centurion™ dissolves both pre-existing calcium / limescale deposits and protects you from damaging hard water deposits...forever!
This new water filter has over 50 verified Five Star reviews (*97% of all reviews)

Having suffered from the effects of hard water for over 30 years we are delighted with the results of the filter and believe it was best value for money we have ever enjoyed".
Independent Review by BrianIntroducing the Best New Salt-less Water Softener on the Market
There are many benefits to softening your water.
Hard water comprises significant quantities of dissolved limescale, calcium and other minerals and soon causes scale to build up on anything that comes into contact with it, from sinks and toilets to shower heads and taps.
It not only looks messy but it costs you money by damaging your water-using appliances and pumps and reducing the efficiency of your water boiler.
Plus it is bad for people with skin conditions, for example, eczema.
Traditional water softeners do a good job at combating hardness / scale. But they have several problems / disadvantages.
We'll tell you about the great new alternative to the traditional salt softeners (see below) but first, here are some comparisons between salt / non-salt softeners.
Wait: Is it a Proper "Softener"
Please note: This great new product is technically a water "de-scaler", not a softener - because in the industry the term "softener" is usually associated with salt softening.
However, this new technology has all the benefits of a traditional softener. For example, it fights scale highly effectively and the water feels and acts like softened water. (See the full list of comparisons just below).
While it's not a "salt softener" we use the term "softener" in its general sense because this is what people understand - ie that a softener reduces scale - which is what the product does. Plus this term is what the public understands and searches for when looking for a solution to their scale problems.

Very impressed!!! Just as good as the salt softener that we had before, but not even half the hassle". Independent Review by Margaret
The Problem With Traditional Water Softeners:
Checkout these direct comparisons between salt / no salt water conditioners
Traditional salt-softened water is considered unsafe to drink. High salt / sodium in your diet leads to raised blood pressure. This is known to be a leading source of disease and threatens both the heart and kidneys.
UK Drinking Water Regulations specify that the salt content must be below 200mg/l. However, it will exceed this in many parts of the UK, where the drinking water is very hard and more salt is needed to combat it.
New Salt-less Water Softeners do not have this problem. Your water is perfectly safe to drink at all times.
Traditional Water Softeners require large quantities of salt which is an ongoing cost (usually, at least, £100 per year).
This involves hauling / loading heavy salt bags and, of course, the constant maintenance of adding it to the machine regularly. (Typical salt usage is about 24 bags per year but can easily be double that - depending on local water hardness).
New Salt-less Water Softener: No maintenance is required at all. Just fit it and forget.
Traditional Water Softeners waste water (average water flushed away is 8L per day, every day for five years).
Unfortunately, not only is waste water costly, it is also bad for the environment due to it being high in sodium / brine. (Salt discharged by softeners is not removed by water treatment plants and so flows right back into the water sources).
New Salt-less Water Softeners don't require any wasteful regeneration or back washing.
Traditional Water Softeners need electric power. This costs money but also restricts where it can be sited.
Salt-free Water Softeners require no power. This is a major advantage for some in that they can be used in remote locations.
Traditional Water Softeners require annual servicing - which is rarely free!
Salt-free Water Softeners require no servicing.
Salt Softened water can be corrosive to copper pipes and some appliances.
Saltless Water Softening does not have this problem.

I purchased this filter after seeing it listed here. It was sent immediately. Very happy. Great improvement on the old salt type softener we had before". Independent Review by Mr Watts
Where Does a Traditional Softener Perform Better?
Some might argue that a salt softener works better in the following ways
Better lathering / less soap required? Salt free softening reportedly results in improved soap lathering. We’d say overall that salt softeners would score an A here vs a B for salt free.
A “softer” feel to water? Salt softeners do seem to create a more slippery feel to the water. Salt free systems also reportedly result in this (ie our one is said to "act and feel like softened water) but it's generally felt this is to a lesser degree. (Some people don’t notice this with either technology). But if you do, and you like it, then salt softeners seem to do this better.
Better for hair and skin? This is a claim that is hard to substantiate or provide a comparison for. Users of our salt free system report the same benefits - but this might also be because it is often twinned with a carbon and ceramic filter which reduces the "harshness" of the water. Or it might be the salt free softening itself.

Our filter has been in for 8 months and it is simply amazing. There is no scale in the kettle anymore and we have always had scale even with a Britta filter. Also the bathroom is a breeze to clean now with very little limescale. We are using less washing powder with better results And to crown it all the Hot Tub auto clorinator is working a treat. We always used to replace this every year as it would always clog up and fail even using a portable "Salt" water softener. So thank you so much - recommending you to all our friends". Independent Review by David
Why haven't I heard about this before?
... If non-salt softeners are so good then why aren't they being used by everyone?
Good question. There are a couple of main reasons.
First the "softener industry" makes a lot of money from selling salt softeners.
These are fairly low-tech, relatively inexpensive items that can be sold for many hundreds of pounds to the unsuspecting public - sometimes for thousands by door-to-door sales forces.
Added to this is the ongoing profit to be made from supplying the salt and subsequent "service calls".
So there is a considerable vested interest in keeping the salt softening bandwagon going.
The other reason is that despite a lot of serious effort to find the "holy grail" of an effective non salt solution there hasn't been a totally satisfactory alternative - until very recently.
Now, for the first time, we are delighted to bring this fully tested proven solution to the market.
Introducing Scale Centurion
Scale Centurion™ is simply a powder type media that your water runs through. It doesn't require any salt supplies or other maintenance.
You simply fit and forget it until it needs replacing after at least two years (depends on your local water quality).
When tested by a fully independent US university laboratory this amazing new material achieved an anti-scale effectiveness rating of over 99% - the only non salt based anti-scale technology to do so.
More Benefits of Scale Centurion
- Removes pre-existing scale from pipes and appliances.
- Very compact - saves you space.
- Lasts for up to THREE years (see below).
- Easy to install.
- Suitable for any property type from small homes to large business premises.
- Protects your valuable equipment.
How Scale Centurion™ Saves You Money
- Extends the life and efficiency of your dishwashers, hot water heaters, washing machines, shower heads and other equipment.
- Heating systems work at peak efficiency saving fuel costs.
- No treatment chemicals required.
- Increases the efficiency of soaps and cleansers.
- Just as effective as a salt water softener (which costs between £500 and £3000 or more).
No electricity required.
... and Saves You Time and Effort
- No more scouring off unsightly water spots, and scale deposits from fixtures, bath tubs, shower doors, glasses, dishes, windows, and cars.
- Totally maintenance-free!
- No more reloading with heavy salt.
Highly Versatile
Protects your domestic equipment plus commercial ice makers, coffee makers, mist cooling systems and other high-value end uses.
- Totally customisable to your specific needs. Whatever you want we can configure this amazing media to do.
- Scale Centurion™ can be used in either standard pressurised vessels / tanks or Point of Use cartridge formats.
Protects Your Environment
- No more phosphates and other harsh acids poured down the drain and damaging your environment.
- No brine discharge. Conventional salt water softeners are banned in some areas because of the damage this does to the environment.
- No more wasted water used for backwashing the salt softener.
- Promotes plant growth. (Scale water causes mineral build up and can eventually prevent adequate water penetration of plant roots).
- No more carbon costs of mining and transporting the salt around the world to get to your door.
- Doesn't require a power source.
- Recyclable Cartridges.

I would recommend this filter to anyone. Where we live, in Croydon, the water is very hard. After fitting the filter the scale build up is almost totally gone from the kettle. No more marks on our glasses or the wash basin and so on. Water quality is excellent. It is very good value for the price. I would buy another one in a moment".Independent Review by Mr Robinson
Renewing / Changing My Softener
How Will I Know When to Renew
The Scale Centurion™ softener media will last you for at least 2 years - possibly three or more. (This depends on your local water conditions).
You'll know when it's time to change because you'll start seeing hard limescale building on bathroom taps etc.
During this time, you won't need to do anything but sit back and enjoy the benefits of this great anti-scale solution.
We will send you a free reminder when it is around the time to renew your softener.
All you have to do is change the cartridge. It only takes a few minutes.
How Much Does it Cost to Renew?
The replacement anti-scale media costs just £147. (It will last you a further 2 plus years, i.e. the same time as the original did).
What's In It and How Does it Work?
Our Scale Centurion™ is a proven and fully tested technology.
It works by extracting harmful dissolved limescale from your water via a patented process.
The Scale Centurion beads mimic the natural tendency of dissolved limescale to crystallise by forming microscopic hard crystals on the media surface. But it accelerates the process before the scale can stick to pipe and other surfaces further downstream.
Once the microscopic crystals grow large enough, they are freed from the surface by the water pressure / flow.
When the Scale Centurion treated water dries on surfaces, these crystals form a fine residue that is easily wiped off without any need for scouring cleansers. Often you won't see any residue at all.
Please note our salt fee softeners do NOT use Polyphosphates. These remove only 81% of Scale, release chemicals into the water and require regular replacement.
The unique media in our softeners create a ceramic template which allows the calcium ions to form into non-scaling crystals (guaranteed).
Fitting the Unit
This is an easy job for a plumber or a handyman. It should take them about an hour or two - depending on how much pipe work needs to be altered.
If you are good at DIY you could do it yourself.
Full instructions are supplied and support is available - though it's highly unlikely this will be required.

this is a good product. Glad we bought it. Plumber fitted it no problem and now it's working very well.".Independent Review by JK
Your Money Back Guarantee
We are so confident that you will be delighted with your new unit that we offer an 18-month performance guarantee. (Please note you must choose the right size unit for your property)
Choose the Right Size Unit for your property
It's important to get the right size Scale Centurion unit for your property.
It's all about your flow rate!
This is because the special anti-scale powder requires sufficient contact time with the water in order to work fully.
(If the water goes through the unit too fast, it won't break anything, it just won't work nearly as well.)
The easiest way to size your unit is by checking your water boiler type - because the boiler has a major impact on your property’s flow rate.
Combi Boiler - You need the Standard Size Unit
System / Unvented Boilers - You need a Larger Unit
Conventional / Gravity fed - Check your flow rate
NEW: Ground Source / Other Green Systems - Check your kW rating
For more details check this
Prices and Technical Info
Please select the right size model for your needs (see above.)
We can supply units for any size property. If you want higher capacity models please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Special Offer
Water softeners are not water filters. Unlike filters, softeners don't improve the taste of the water. So you will still be drinking and bathing in chlorinated water.
Now you can combine your softener with a powerful Whole House water filter. This will remove unpleasant tasting chlorine and greatly improve the quality of your drinking AND bathing experience.
Standard Size Homes - Offer
For a limited time, if you buy your highly effective new salt-free softener and the powerful Whole House water filter together you can save £100 - for the next few customers only
(The usual price is £697 - Our special offer price is £597 - all inclusive).
Read more about the whole house water filter and this special offer here
Considering the average price for a standard salt softener is usually at least £600, that's a great bargain.
(Please note this offer is strictly limited. So please order soon to avoid disappointment).
Larger Properties - Offer
A similar deal to above: If you buy the larger salt-free softener and whole house water filter together you can save £200.
(The usual price is £1197 - Our special offer price is £997 - all inclusive).
Read more about the whole house water filter and this special offer here
Considering the average price for a larger salt softener is usually at least £1200, that's a great bargain.
(Please note this offer is strictly limited. So please order soon to avoid disappointment).

Compare Saltless with Salt Water Softeners
Why Haven't I Heard About This Before?
What's in Your Salt Free Softener
- Saves you money
- Salt free
- No wasted water
- Chemical free
No electricity required
- Protects your water-using appliances.
No more hard scale "spotting" on glasses, dishes, shower screens, etc.
- No maintenance required.
Protects the environment
The amount of detergent required for your washing, etc. is reduced significantly.
Need advice?
Please call us on
0800 009 6611
Fully Tested and Certified
Scale Centurion™ softener media has been fully tested using the DVGW-W512 protocol.
(DVGW is the top gas and water industry certification body in Europe).
It has also has been fully tested by Arizona State University against the international protocol for scale prevention. Achieved a 99.6% effectiveness rating - the only non-salt based anti scale technology to do so.
Until recently the merits of the various alternatives to salt-based water softeners weren't known for sure. There was a lot of anecdotal evidence - and the waters were muddied by rival systems competing in a war of words.
However that changed with a publicly funded study by Arizona State University and others*, where four alternative technologies were tested.
Why the Official Test was Carried Out
There is a major issue with using salt softeners in the Southwest United States - i.e. California, Arizona, etc. - where most of the water supply is classified as "hard", i.e. results in scale build up.
Many households use salt based water softeners to combat this. The problem is that water is very scarce.
Re-use / reclamation is an important water conservation measure. However the backwashing required for salt based softeners means the water becomes too salty to be reused.
This is why the State of California decided to restrict salt based
water softeners.
Before doing so they conducted a major study of alternative treatment devices to identify credible alternatives that would reduce scale without salt.
Results of the Official Test
The testing methodology used the German DVGW-W512 protocol.
At the lowest challenge (TDS 479 and CaC03 180) Scale Centurion™ technology had an efficiency of 99.6% and at the highest challenge (TDS 1200 and CaC03 500) 90% efficiency.
In all water samples, other alternative devices (water conditioners) only achieved 50% and below, with electro/magnetic being the worst.
Scale Centurion™ technology was judged to be exceptionally efficient. It saves money, saves water and does not harm the environment.
"The evidence shows that [Scale Centurion] technology is equally as efficient as ion exchange [i.e. salt] water softeners at preventing the formation of scale, and has the added benefits of no salt use, no water waste from regeneration, and importantly, no harmful brine discharge into drains, groundwater and the wider environment".
* The study was funded by the WateReuse Research Foundation in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the California State Water Resources Control Board, the California Energy Commission, and the California Department of Water Resources.