Your ASC2000 Cartridge Renewal Options
How to Renew Your ASC2000 Anti Scale Super Taste Cartridge
You have two options:
Option One
Get a new anti-scale cartridge and simply swop out the one you already have.
Click here for Details and to see the Today's Special Deals
Option Two
Your green alternative: Reduce Plastic waste
You already have one of our ASC2000 anti-scale cartridges.
The cartridge itself - ie the white plastic casing will last for at least 2 or 3 years. And it’s refillable
So instead of us sending you a new cartridge every time you need to change, and you throwing the casing away, this way we simply send you this easy-refill anti-scale sachet
Note: Please scroll to the bottom of that page to see "Related producs" for discount deals eg 2 bags for £x